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Ultra-efficient ns and ps solid state lasers

Ultra-efficient ns and ps solid state lasers

From: Photonics Industries

Posted On: 01 Aug 2021

Photonics Industries, the pioneer of intracavity harmonic, solid state lasers, has introduced its new DX Series, the highest wall plug efficiency nanosecond (ns) laser:

  • 17% for green wavelengths
  • 10% for UV wavelengths

Concurrently, Photonics Industries has introduced its new RX Series, the Highest Pulse Energy pico second (ps) laser in the market ~1mJ in IR, over 400uJ in Green and ~200uJ in UV:

  • High power (up to 100W in IR)
  • Short pulse (10ps)
  • High repetition rates (up to 8MHz)
  • The most compact rugged All-in-one ps laser
  • The highest efficiency ps laser with the lowest power consumption

Such high pulse energies allow for process efficiency optimization by spatial scaling as the beam can be split numerous times to simultaneously feed multiple work stations yielding the lowest Cost of Ownership. Combined with increases in wall plug efficiencies, industrial micromachining customers can manufacture their products at a much quicker, more efficient rate, expediting their manufacturing processes thus reducing the cost and increasing availability of next gen technologies to a greater cross section of the world’s population.

TAGS: Chemical ID  |  Trace Evidence  |  Light Source  |  Questioned Documents  |  Vibration  |  Micro positioning  |  Nanofabrication  |  Laser  |  Microfluidics  |  Microscopy  |  Imaging  |  Metrology  |  Measurement  |  Light  |  Forensics  |  X-Ray  |  Fingerprints  |  Safety  |